033 – COVID Crisis: Tin Foil Conspiracies or Legitimate Concern?

By | April 23, 2020

From 5G to totalitarian control to China wanting to ruin lives and relations with the rest of the globe to the west wanting to destroy everything they’ve built, does any of it make sense? Is there any benefit to destroying the planet? Is there any reason for a country to destroy everything they’ve built between the nations? Is there any reason to taking away all our rights and thoughts and and diminish our individual characteristics? What benefit would this serve?

It is definitely a strange time right now for all of us who call Earth home. It’s probably going to be even stranger once we start easing into normality—whatever that is—once again. It’s hard when we don’t really have a clear timeline, nor can even fathom what is really going on behind the scenes. Which, understandably, has resulted in conspiracy theories and accusations.

But are any of them warranted?

In this episode I discuss this topic and how western society has done its best to keep this socialist, don’t ask questions, stfu mentality out of reach. But many people think it’s coming back. What do you think?

Let me know by hitting up the comments below. Thanks so much for tuning in.

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