036 – The Virus, Mental Health Impacts, and How to Stay Sane During All of It w/ Nieves Murray, CEO of Suicide Prevention Australia (Part I)

By | May 15, 2020

The impact upon mental health and lifestyles during this pandemic is catastrophic. In the long-term, there’s no denying they will be even more devastating than the virus itself. It might sound harsh, it might sound odd, but the reality is this: The amount of people being impacted every single day, regardless of the proximity to the actual virus, is huge. The loss of job, income, dream businesses, lifestyles, freedom, socialising, routine, and the list could go on and on, is massive. Of course the virus is bad. Of course nobody wants anyone else to suffer or die because of it. But we have to start talking about what’s going on during this lockdown and what is going to happen in the future. We can’t just be looking at it from a present point of view anymore.

On this episode, I’m joined by the CEO of Suicide Prevention Australia, Nieves Murray. We talk about topics like this. We also discuss Australia’s response to the virus, our health care system, what her organisation is doing alongside the Australian government, life during the virus crisis, social distancing vs. physical distancing, schedules and routines, staying sane during all of this, people’s true colours, and so much more.

This is part one of two. Be sure to check out the next episode to listen to the whole conversation.

I hope you enjoy the discussion and thank you for tuning in.

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