031 – Intermission: COVID-19

By | April 10, 2020

The global pandemic that is coronavirus-19, is testing each of us in so many different ways. It’s disrupting our livelihoods and altering how we simply get around each day, socialise, what news we pay attention to, what topics we talk and think about.

It’s a huge change in all our lives and it’s very easy for us all to buckle and lose our sense of selves and maintain a level of patience and understanding. And motivation.

In the first episode of season two of The Pernosophy Podcast, I talk about why this intermission, this pause on regular life, can be one portion of our life that we can use to our advantage.

I also talk about my experience working in the health and fitness industry and what COVID-19 meant for so many of us that work in person-person jobs.

This season, I’m giving recording each episode a go. If you’d like to watch this episode instead, head to THIS LINK.

Wherever you listen or watch, if you do enjoy the episode, please take the time to like/share/subscribe! I would really appreciate it. Thanks for tuning in.

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